Monday, May 3, 2010

An Unmarried Woman

An Unmarried Woman left me with the strangest feeling. Because I watched it in a room full of men, I somehow felt that the world of women had been intruded upon. I understand why the males didn't like this film. It is clearly a woman's film. I found the conversations between the women to be incredibly realistic, and I related to them, perhaps not in the exact words or content, but in the general mood for certain.

The element of this film I most enjoyed is the concept of a woman fully realizing who she is and what she wants by finally having room to just be. It reminded me of Coming Home in that sense. Both women had spent their lives being their husband's wives, and never had their own identity. When they were finally free of their husbands, their worlds expanded. They were both able to survive because they were able to reinvent themselves. Both of these women represented the attitude of the women of the 70s.

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