Monday, May 3, 2010

Dog Day Afternoon

Of all of the films we screened in this class, this was strangely my least favorite. I explained to Francine that it just felt like a long film in which very little happened. I also felt that the story became slightly overdramatic at times. This is not to be blamed on the screenwriter, as it was based on a true story. I guess this story is proof that truth is, indeed, sometimes stranger than fiction.

There are elements of the film that were wonderful, however. The acting is amazing across the board. Not one character felt stiff or over directed. Everyone seemed natural in an unnatural situation. I also loved the role the crowd played in the story. I love the things crowds of people will get behind. It's never predictable, and it seldom seems to make sense out of the context of the time. Because this event took place after the Attica prison riot, the general attitude of young people was to not trust those in authority. I feel that this would have been a completely different story had it happened immediately following 9/11. Being such a fan of American history, I find it fascinating how the political atmosphere of the country affects everything else.

Perhaps I will try to watch this film again, at a different time in my life. Chances are I'll see it differently...

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