Friday, May 7, 2010


I enjoyed this class immensely. It was a wonderful way to end my time here at Flashpoint as a film student. It felt like a perfect bookend to the last two years of my life that were spent learning how to appreciate film.

My favorite thing about screening classes is seeing movies that I probably wouldn't take the time to watch otherwise. I feel that a student of any discipline needs to be well rounded in their knowledge of the craft as well as in its history. The 70s movies that we saw clearly had a significant influence on the films that came later.

Another wonderful aspect of this class was sharing the experience with my mother. Every week after class I would tell her what movie we watched, and it brought up her memories of seeing these films in the theater when they were originally released. It was great being able to discuss these films with her, and being a film student, I was able to explain some of these films to her in a new way. She has recently told me that she now watches everything from a different perspective now.

Before being a film student and taking this class, I never realized what an influential era the 70s were on America's film, art, music, and culture. I now understand how much of our world today would not be possible if not for the movements of the 70s.

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