Monday, May 3, 2010

Assault on Precinct 13

Ah! So we saved the absolute best for last. For lack of a better adjective, Assault on Precinct 13 was awesome! Everything about it worked. John Carpenter's stamp could already be seen in this early work of his. There were scenes of the gang members standing still across the street that conjured memories of the most frightening scene in Halloween, and as I said in class, elements of They Live were all over this film.

Francine stated in class that the music of this film made you realize the love that Carpenter had for this project. I can almost see him sitting in front of a Casio keyboard writing the score. This film was clearly his baby at the time, and his passion came through.

To me, the most important thing I took away from this film is that with enough love and hard work, we can all create something amazing. As we are about to leave Flashpoint and begin our careers in the arts, we all want to make our mark. We may not all have the vision that John Carpenter does, but we now have the tools and skill sets to try to see our babies come to fruition.

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