Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The Long Goodbye

This was definitely an entertaining film. It had action, mystery, an enigmatic and unaffected leading man--all the things that a film noir story should have. What made The Long Goodbye different, though, was it contained all of these elements, but in a whole new way. It's definitely genre revisionism at its finest and at its birth.

The truly unintelligent thought I have about this film is that it was hard not to notice how sexy Elliot Gould was back in the day. He was like a 70s Anthony Bourdain. He managed to be cool and self-effacing at once, and it was his performance and demeanor that carried the film. My best friend fancies Anthony Bourdain and Jewish men, and I strongly recommended that she Netflix (that is a verb now, right?) this movie because I know she'd fall in love with Gould, and at the same time expand her film history knowledge. I hope she takes my advice.

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