Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Five Easy Pieces 02.03.10

Five Easy Pieces

This movie was very 1970s. It possessed all of the elements one studying the 70s might look for. First of all, there was Jack Nicholson, an actor that manages to define whatever generation he's currently in. Then there was the character driven story lines. The movie also possessed elements of 70s realism, and the strangest sex scene I've ever seen in a film.

Five Easy Pieces s a film that I'm not even sure if I liked. It was everything a 70's film should be, but not necessarily entertaining by today's standards. I would not run out and see this film again, or even suggest to by boyfriend that he should see it. However, I'm glad I saw it. I feel that classic films are becoming more like classic novels in this industry. The more films you've seen, especially classic and older films, the more well rounded you are. That's why I like screening classes so much.

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