Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Conversation

This was a great film. It was good enough that I found myself on Friday night trying to explain the movie to my intoxicated, uninterested friends. It fully embodies the paranoia of technology that was such influence in 70s culture.

One can't help but relate this movie to the Watergate scandal. It wasn't just that Watergate made the American public, especially the younger generation, doubt their government. Watergate also pointed out just how far surveillance technology had come. If government officials could have their phone conversations recorded and be unaware, then what chance did the general public have? It seemed that if anyone could be recorded at anytime. This film certainly didn't put any paranoid fears to sleep.

I also enjoyed the film's theme of obsession. We watched this man's spiral into a debilitating fixation about this girl and her situation. Everything he did was for her. It was interesting character development and I found it fitting that the film ended with him sitting amidst the result of his obsessive personality.

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